Ashley på omslaget av Teen Prom 2010!

Som vanligt är hon som en lite älva;) Och som TCA av skrev: Pixie perfect Ashley in purple for Prom - try saying that 3 times fast! Jag kunde nästan xD

The actress, who is no doubt busy prepping to reprise her role as Alice Cullen in "Eclipse," the next installment in the "Twilight" series, got involved with because of her own experience trying to save up for prom.

"I bought my dress and I pretty much paid for everything because my parents really didn’t have the money to pay for something like that. I worked for it, so I think it meant that much more to me because I had to save up," she tells Prom2010.

In the end, Ashley put together enough to buy a fitted full-length dress with bronze and gold sequins and a plunging neckline (her mom made her cover-up with a shawl). She has since donated the dress to the charity. "I had my prom dress forever until I became a part of the charity and donated it," says Ashley. "It’s amazing to see girls’ faces light up [when given a dress]. It’s really fun because I get to interact with these girls and share the experience with them."

As for her big night, Ashley says it turned out perfect. "I went with my high school sweetheart and had a blast. I had that fairytale prom everyone talks about. It’s something I’ll remember forever."




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