Harry Potter - stjärnor talar ut om Rob: "He was very out there"

Alla har väl vid det här laget hört att Robert spelade Cedrick Diggory i Harry Potter och den Flammande Bägaren och dör i slutet :'(
Nu har hans co - stars Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom) och Bonny Wright (Ginny Weasly) pratat lite om Rob och det här är vad dom sa:


TWILIGHT Saga: New Moon star Robert Pattinson’s Harry Potter co-stars Matthew Lewis and Bonnie Wright, who play Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley, say he was “very out there” but “cool” to work with.
Robert Pattinson, who starred in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with Bonnie Wright and Matthew Lewis, was “very funny” on set and kept the cast laughing.

Matthew Lewis, who plays Neville Longbottom, said: “He’s doing incredibly, I haven’t spoken to Rob in about three years but I remember when he was on the film and he was a great guy to be around, he was very funny and he was very out there but he was cool. I think he’s still got my Guns ‘n’ Roses CD… if he’s watching this, I want it back.”

From a Wizard...

To a Vampire...

To a Human...

Hans karaktärer går verkligen upp och ned, tkr inte ni?;) Undra vad han ska vara nästa gång? Kanske en varulv?;)






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