5 Skäl till att älska Kristen Stewart!

För kanske 2 veckor sedan så visade jag er en lista med 5 skäl till att älska R.P och idag så finns det 5 skäl till att älska KStew!

  1. Strong-Willed.  If anything, Kristen Stewart is strong-willed and focused on her beliefs.  This refreshing attitude makes Stewart an incredible role model for women all around the world.  She shows us how to be strong, how to stand your ground, and never waver on your own personal values.
  2. Goofy.  We are all goofy in our own way; whether we are The Class clown or the klutz we can all relate to Stewart because of this.  Whether she is cracking jokes in interviews or dropping trophies at award shows, Stewart is never afraid to let her inner goof shine through which is really spectacular.
  3. Intelligent.  Being smart is so cool and that message is not displayed enough in Hollywood.  Whenever Stewart has a chance she is always talking about her favorite books and what she is currently reading.  Brining Steinbeck back to life, Stewart has made it cool to read again and that deserves major props!
  4. Dedicated.  Stewart is dedicated to her craft and it is amazing to see her throw herself into the characters she portrays on the big screen.  Not only did she bring the beloved Bella Swan to life, this past summer she brought back the love for 80's while portraying Joan Jett in The Runaways.  Her work is flawless and that is because she spends hours preparing and dedicating time to her craft.
  5. Bella Swan.  Let's be honest, we love Kristen Stewart because she simply is the best version of Bella Swan that we could imagine.  Bringing Bella to life was a daunting task, but Stewart did it with grace, passion, and perfection.


Kristen Stewart is a remarkable actress and as fans it has been a pleasure to watch Stewart bring a heartbeat to Bella Swan, the most beloved character in 21st century literature.  Of course there are more than five reasons to love KStew so this is where we need your help.  Below in the comments section, tell us why you love Kristen Stewart.  We are going to continue our 5 Reason to Love series but we want your input.  Who should be next?




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