Bel Ami castingen är klar - filmningen börjar 7 Februari

Över dom senaste månaderna så har det varit fram och tillbaka med castingen för Bel Ami, men nu är den äntligen klar! Bel Ami börjar troligen att filma de 7 Februari enligt schemat :)

Handling om Bel Ami :
Bel Ami is the story of Georges Duroy (Robert Pat­tin­son), who trav­els through 1890s Paris, from cock­roach rid­den gar­rets to opu­lent salons, using his wits and pow­ers of seduc­tion to rise from poverty to wealth, from a prostitute’s embrace to pas­sion­ate trysts with wealthy beau­ties, in a world where pol­i­tics and media jos­tle for influ­ence, where sex is power and celebrity an obsession.

Av vad som står i handlingen så vet jag att jag kommer att se filmen helt klart iaf! Ska du se den?:)

Här nedanför så står det vem som spelar vem ;) : 
Robert Pat­tin­son plays Georges Duroy in this erot­i­cally charged story of ambi­tion, power and seduc­tion. Uma Thur­man (Pulp Fic­tion, Kill Bill) is Madeleine, Kristin Scott Thomas (Nowhere Boy, I’ve Loved You So Long) is Vir­ginie, Christina Ricci (Mon­ster, The Ice Storm) is Clotilde, Holly Grainger (Scout­ing Book for Boys) is Suzanne, Philip Glenis­ter (Life on Mars, Cal­en­dar Girls) is Charles, and Colm Meaney (The Damned United, The Snap­per) plays Duroy’s adver­sary, Rous­set.  The screen­play is writ­ten by Rachel Ben­nette from the novel by Guy de Mau­pas­sant, and the film is directed by the influ­en­tial and inno­v­a­tive Cheek By Jowl direc­tors Declan Don­nel­lan and Nick Ormerod.

BEL AMI is pro­duced by Uberto Pasolini (The Full Monty, Machan) with Simon Fuller as exec­u­tive pro­ducer.  The direc­tor of pho­tog­ra­phy is Hagen Bog­dan­ski (The Young Vic­to­ria, The Lives of Oth­ers); Attila F. Kovacs (Sun­shine, Meet­ing Venus) is pro­duc­tion designer; the cos­tumes are designed by Odile Dicks-Mireaux (An Edu­ca­tion, The Con­stant Gar­dener); the hair and make-up designer is Jenny Shir­core (The Young Vic­to­ria, Eliz­a­beth: The Golden Age) and the edi­tor is Masahiro Hirakubo (The Duchess, Trainspotting).




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