Robert och Kristen på Vanity Fair´s Hollywood´s lista "Top 40 Money Maker List"

Michael Bay, direc­tor and pro­ducer of the block­buster Trans­form­ers series, beat mogul Steven Spiel­berg to top Van­ity Fair’s inau­gural list of Hollywood’s Top 40 Money Mak­ers, which the mag­a­zine releases on Tues­day. Bay pulled in $125 mil­lion last year, accord­ing to the mag­a­zine, ahead of Spiel­berg ($85 mil­lion), action direc­tor Roland Emmerich ($70 mil­lion), Avatar auteur James Cameron ($50 mil­lion), and Todd Phillips, pro­ducer of The Hang­over ($44 mil­lion). The mag­a­zine lim­its its list to film-industry cre­atives: pro­duc­ers, direc­tors, and stars.

Nine women made it into the top 40. The list’s highest-ranking actress, Emma Wat­son (no. 14), beats out Cameron Diaz (no. 19), Sarah Jes­sica Parker (no. 24), Kather­ine Heigl (no. 25), and Reese With­er­spoon (no. 31). For now, Hog­warts trumps vam­pires: Along with Wat­son, Harry Pot­ter hero Daniel Rad­cliffe (no. 6) and sup­port­ing actor Rupert Grint (no. 15) rank far above Twi­light co-stars Robert Pat­tin­son (no. 35) and Kris­ten Stew­art (no. 37).

The mag­a­zine inter­viewed scores of Hol­ly­wood insid­ers to com­pile the list, says con­tribut­ing edi­tor Peter New­comb, who com­piled the list. Although agents, lawyers, stu­dio exec­u­tives, and even the stars them­selves pro­vided the deal num­bers, cal­cu­lat­ing the earn­ing power isn’t always an exact sci­ence, New­comb says.

Who will we see on the list in 2011? Count on Twilight’s Tay­lor Laut­ner to be here, and for a stronger show­ing from the King of the World. Avatar direc­tor Cameron helped gen­er­ated sales of more than $800 mil­lion for 2009, and his no. 1 movie will most likely also be on the 2010 list a year from now. Also hit­ting mul­ti­plexes this year: the third Fock­ers install­ment, for which Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller will each earn about $20 mil­lion. Owen Wil­son will pull in $15 mil­lion for his efforts.

The March Van­ity Fair will be on news­stands in New York and Los Ange­les on Wednes­day and will be avail­able nation­ally on next Tues­day. Here’s the full list:

  • 1. Michael Bay, producer-director ($125 mil­lion)
    2. Steven Spiel­berg, producer-director ($85 mil­lion)
    3. Roland Emmerich, producer-director ($70 mil­lion)
    4. James Cameron, producer-director ($50 mil­lion)
    5. Todd Phillips, direc­tor ($44 mil­lion)
    6. Daniel Rad­cliffe, actor ($41 mil­lion)
    7. Ben Stiller, actor ($40 mil­lion)
    8. Tom Hanks, actor ($36 mil­lion)
    9. J. J. Abrams, producer-director ($36 mil­lion)
    10. Jerry Bruck­heimer, pro­ducer ($35.5 mil­lion)
    11. Tyler Perry, actor-director-producer ($32.5 mil­lion)
    12. Adam San­dler, actor-producer ($31.5 mil­lion)
    13. Den­zel Wash­ing­ton, actor ($31 mil­lion)
    14. Emma Wat­son, actor ($30 mil­lion)
    15. Rupert Grint, actor ($30 mil­lion)
    16. Owen Wil­son, actor ($29 mil­lion)
    17. Nico­las Cage, actor ($28 mil­lion)
    18. Rus­sell Crowe, actor ($28 mil­lion)
    19. Cameron Diaz, actor ($27 mil­lion)
    20. Brian Grazer, pro­ducer, and Ron Howard, director-producer ($25.5 mil­lion)
    21. Johnny Depp, actor ($25 mil­lion)
    22. Steve Carell, actor ($25 mil­lion)
    23. Robert De Niro, actor ($24.5 mil­lion)
    24. Sarah Jes­sica Parker, actor ($24 mil­lion)
    25. Kather­ine Heigl, actor ($24 mil­lion)
    26. Shawn Levy, director-producer ($23 mil­lion)
    27. Oren Peli and Jason Blum, writer-director-producers ($22.5 mil­lion)
    28. Robert Downey Jr., actor ($22 mil­lion)
    29. George Clooney, actor ($22 mil­lion)
    30. Matt Damon, actor ($22 mil­lion)
    31. Reese With­er­spoon, actor ($21 mil­lion)
    32. Angelina Jolie, actor ($21 mil­lion)
    33. Jen­nifer Anis­ton, actor ($20 mil­lion)
    34. San­dra Bul­lock, actor ($20 mil­lion)
    35. Robert Pat­tin­son, actor ($18 mil­lion)
    36. Clint East­wood, actor-director-producer ($17 mil­lion)
    37. Kris­ten Stew­art, actor ($16 mil­lion)
    38. Mark Wahlberg, actor ($16 mil­lion)
    39. Shia LaBeouf, actor ($15 mil­lion)
    40. Brad Pitt, actor ($13.5 million)

Man känner ju igen väldigt många namn på listan, eller hur?;)




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