Anna Kendrick snackar Eclipse & Breaking Dawn


And, naturally, she had a lot to talk about. Like “Breaking Dawn,” the final novel in the “Twilight” series. Depending on whom you speak with, Stephenie Meyer’s last Bella and Edward book will either be split into two films or remain intact.

“If it is [split], great. If it’s not, great,” Kendrick insisted, saying it’s not that she doesn’t care, but that she has no control over the situation. “I understand why they would want to do that, but it’s not my call.

“I find out when the fans find out. That’s true,” she laughed when asked when she expects to be briefed on how “Breaking Dawn” will be shot. “You will find out before I find out, actually. Text me.”

Or how about the next movie in the franchise, which is due in theaters this summer? ”I haven’t seen any footage from ‘Eclipse’ yet,” Kendrick said of the June 30 sequel, directed by David Slade. ”I haven’t done any [post-production audio] or anything for that yet.”

One thing she can talk about, however, is the role that could take her career to the next level: playing opposite Seth Rogen and James McAvoy in ”I’m With Cancer,” a drama about a 25-year-old comedian diagnosed with the disease.

”Yeah, I’m really excited about that. I play James McAvoy’s therapist,” she said of her character, who helps McAvoy’s funnyman — well, kinda. ”I’m not very good at it, and I’m probably the most reluctant psychiatrist ever. But I’m really excited about working with that cast, and the script is really good.”




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