Scene It? Twilight

Scene it? är som tv-spelet BUZZ, fast till XBOX 360. Fast nu har Nintendo DS börjat sälja Scene It? fast dom här frågorna bygger på Twilight ist för alla andra tråkiga allämna frågor;) Scene It? Twilight släpps i Februari men vet dock inte om det är i Sverige, tror tyvärr inte det...

The ESRB has provided a rating summary for Scene It? Twilight on the Nintendo DS. The video game got a T (Teen) rating for drug reference, mild blood, mild suggestive themes and mild violence. You can view the full rating summary below:

This is a trivia game in which players earn points by answering trivia questions based on the movie Twilight. Questions cover video clips and still images from the movie. A couple of clips depict vampires throwing, choking, or kicking one another—and humans; other scenes depict a bloody vampire bite on a person's wrist and a small pool of blood on the floor. The dialogue contains references to suggestive material (e.g., "I can read every mind in this room . . . Money, sex, money, sex—cat"), and a prom dress is said to make a girl's "boobs look bigger." In one scene, an embattled vampire refers to a character's scent as a drug: "You're like my own personal brand of heroin."

Scene It? Twilight is already released on the Nintendo Wii. The Nintendo DS version is slated for a February release.



Postat av: SweGizmo

Snygg Blogg! :P

2010-08-19 @ 23:23:32

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