Robert Pattinson pratar om Edward Cullen

Här kommer en intervju med Robert Pattinson där han pratar om sin karaktär Edward Cullen i New moon.

Kramar M

Harry Potter och den Flammande Bägaren

Klockan 18.30 på Kanal 5 så kommer Harry Potter och den flammande bägaren sändas! Som dom flesta vet så spelar Robert Pattinson Cedric, en utav dom som oxå är deltagare i Den Magiska Trekampen.

Så alltså:


OBS! Man kan oxå kolla imorgon, 10.25 på samma kanal men då är det svenskt tal.
Jag kommer att få kolla imorgon för att nu ska jag se New Moon på bio med mamma och lillebror:) Första gången för dom femte för mig;) Fast tredje på bio xD



Rob is home!

WITH his new beard, it looks like ROBERT PATTINSON is fast turning from a vampire into a werewolf.

The Twilight star gave his fans something else to Robsess over as he sported the new face fuzz on a post-Christmas day out with his sister LIZZY in Barnes, South-West London.

RPatz once admitted that until he was 12 his sis used to dress him up as a girl and introduce him to pals as Claudia.

He said: "Twelve was a turning point as I moved to a mixed school and then I became cool and discovered hair gel."



Din nya wallpaper till 2010!

Varsågod;) Din nya wallapaper till 2010 är här! Det är iaf min:D


UPDATE: Om det inte går att göra den större så klicka på den här länken, då får du bilden så att den passar din dator:)

En Rob serie!

Är du trött på dom gamla tråkiga seriärna i tidningen och vill byta ut dom mot kanske en serie om Robert?  Then move to New York! För att där har dom infört en serie om honom på skoj i NY Mag. Det är iaf vad jag läste xD

March 14
At the Rose Bar, Pattinson is reportedly overheard bemoaning the fact that he “can’t get laid in New York.”
June 15
Pattinson is attacked by throngs of women while filming Remember Me in Washington Square Park.
June 19
Pattinson is struck by a taxi at Broadway and 12th Street while trying to run from fans.

July 19
Pattinson runs across Water Street in a hood and sunglasses, ignoring crowds of screaming middle-aged women.
July 22
Pattinson checks out a brunette at Lil’ Frankie’s on First Avenue.
October 11
Pattinson complains that he still can’t get a date. “To be honest, I still don’t really understand what’s going on.”

November 1
Mattel releases Twilight Barbie Edward doll, modeled on Pattinson.
November 10
Pattinson says his jeans are a few days old, and he changes his shirt when he can’t take the scent of it anymore.
November 11
Pattinson admits that when he met Zac Efron, he swooned.



Robs autograf för välgörenhet!

Vill du ha Roberts autograf och en elgitar? Passa då på att köpa den - för det högsta budet! Lätt tror jag inte att det är att få den medtanke på hur många som vill ha den xD


South­ern California’s 99.5 KLOS Mark & Brian Christ­mas Show is auc­tion­ing off a Fender Tele­caster signed by Rob to ben­e­fit The Mid­night Mis­sion, which pro­vides basic neces­si­ties plus coun­sel­ing, edu­ca­tion, train­ing and job place­ment for the homeless.

Brand new Fender Tele­caster signed by ultra hot Robert Pat­tin­son (Edward Cullen) from the Twi­light movie series. Rob hap­pened to be shop­ping for instru­ments at Norm’s Rare Gui­tars and Norm (a great friend of The Mid­night Mis­sion), asked him if he’d sign a gui­tar that could be auc­tioned off to sup­port the ser­vices of the char­ity. Rob was gra­cious enough to say yes and do it. This ter­rif­i­cally tal­ented actor and singer/musician even con­sented to have his pic­ture taken with the signed instru­ment. I didn’t post it here, but have it avail­able for authen­ti­ca­tion (believe it or not this hum­ble actor is a bit cam­era shy when not at work). Get this now!! I have seen tons of signed pic­tures and posters, but not a Fender gui­tar. And as you real fans know, Robert is an excel­lent musi­cian – he plays piano, gui­tar and sings!  So it’s a win­ner - a great and unique gift for you or some­one you love and you help peo­ple who don’t always feel loved.

Gud vad jag önskar att jag bodde i USA ibland!...



Robert - #6 plats på Man Of The Year 2009

In 2009, all eyes were on RPattz. Despite only releasing one movie, there were few people whose face sold more magazines, whose every word made more of a ripple and whose public appearances caused such a stir. Under such pressure, a lot of 23-year-old actors would end up getting into trouble, indulging to the point of excess and disappointing their fans. But somehow, the uniquely suited-for-stardom Robert Pattinson took it all with a good-natured grin and self-deprecating charm. In "Twilight" and beyond, his future seems so bright that he'll likely be sparkling for quite some time.

2009 Highlights: We all know Rob had a busy 2009, and everybody had their own thoughts on what he should do after "Twilight." Few saw his first move coming, however, as he dropped out of the indie flick "Parts Per Billion," leaving producer/star Rosario Dawson sad but promising the show would go on. In February, he showed up at the Oscars and stole attention away from stars as big as Brad and Angelina. Despite expressing fears that he might become "Twilighted out" while shooting "New Moon" and "Eclipse" back-to-back, he nevertheless got back to work as Edward Cullen.

At the MTV Movie Awards, Rob unveiled a new trailer from "New Moon," Kristen Stewart left him longing for a cold shower, and he cracked up watching KStew fumble her trophy. During an exclusive interview, he promised that "New Moon" would look "amazing." Rob later returned for the Video Music Awards alongside Kristen and Taylor Lautner and helped raise eyebrows with their fashionable duds.

Despite rumors that his reduced screen presence in "New Moon" would keep him away, Rob made a surprise appearance at San Diego's Comic-Con to show off footage from the movie, reflect on a hallucinating Bella and hang out with the geeks. Things sure were a lot different than they were a year ago — even if Rob insisted he's stayed the same.

In the midst of all the hype, rumors and insanity, Rob actually managed to make movement on some non-"Twilight" movies in 2009. His romantic drama "Remember Me," opposite Emilie de Ravin, had a memorable time shooting in New York, which appears to have left him brooding after that time he was almost killed by a taxi — or barely grazed, depending on whom you ask. He also signed on to "Unbound Captives," a western co-starring Rachel Weisz that offered Rob the chance to play a character who "can't really be more different from Edward." He also signed on to "Bel Ami," a film that pits him opposite Uma Thurman as a "totally immoral character."

But all that paled in comparison to when he hit the "New Moon" premiere, looking fashionable as he greeted the fans and talked about the good and bad parts of being, well, him. Fans freaked out when he hit the Hot Topic tour opening night, and in a very revealing Rough Cut with MTV News, he spoke about his lack of endorsement deals, why "New Moon" is his favorite "Twilight" book, what he loves about Kristen and Edward's annoying habit of parking his Volvo across multiple parking spaces.

To make a long story short, "New Moon" had a record-shattering opening and became one of the biggest films of 2009. Now, with Taylor Lautner hosting "Saturday Night Live," we continue to hope that RPattz can't be far behind — so let the guy write a sketch already! Edward might be a jerk, but of all the dudes who hang out in our office on a regular basis, Rob will always remain our favorite seasonal vegetable.

Which stars had the biggest 2009? Over the next week, we'll be unveiling our top nine most newsworthy, controversial and fascinating men and women of the year. We based our list on factors like music sales, box-office performance, headlines and traffic, overall reach (crossover singles, appearances in movies, licensing of songs for commercials, clothing lines, etc.), plus X-factors like "impact" and "buzz." (And no, President Barack Obama didn't make the list — we'll leave that to the folks at Time.) This is by no means an exact science, but we think the list we've put together represents the men and women who helped make 2009 the most exciting and memorable 12 months in recent history.



5 Sätt att dumpa en tjej, enligt Rob

Hahah för skön asså xD



Relase datum för Remember Me

Nu har relase datumen för Remember Me släppts för 10 olika länder! Och det ser ut som att vi får vänta lite..:(


Argentina .…April 8
Austrailia .…March 11
Belgium .…March 11
France .…April 7
Netherlands .…March 11
Norway .…April 9
Romandie Switzerland .…April 7
Sweden .…March 26
UK .…April 2
USA .…March 12



Nya bilder på Rob från New Moon Presskonferansen

Aaw, so cute!



Harry Potter - stjärnor talar ut om Rob: "He was very out there"

Alla har väl vid det här laget hört att Robert spelade Cedrick Diggory i Harry Potter och den Flammande Bägaren och dör i slutet :'(
Nu har hans co - stars Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom) och Bonny Wright (Ginny Weasly) pratat lite om Rob och det här är vad dom sa:


TWILIGHT Saga: New Moon star Robert Pattinson’s Harry Potter co-stars Matthew Lewis and Bonnie Wright, who play Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley, say he was “very out there” but “cool” to work with.
Robert Pattinson, who starred in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with Bonnie Wright and Matthew Lewis, was “very funny” on set and kept the cast laughing.

Matthew Lewis, who plays Neville Longbottom, said: “He’s doing incredibly, I haven’t spoken to Rob in about three years but I remember when he was on the film and he was a great guy to be around, he was very funny and he was very out there but he was cool. I think he’s still got my Guns ‘n’ Roses CD… if he’s watching this, I want it back.”

From a Wizard...

To a Vampire...

To a Human...

Hans karaktärer går verkligen upp och ned, tkr inte ni?;) Undra vad han ska vara nästa gång? Kanske en varulv?;)





Rob i Vanity Fair - Borttagen Scen

 Min man...♥



Två nya videos med Rob i Japan + en bild!

"Bite Me"

Här kommer en svart vit bild från Japan oxå;)



Officiella postern för "Remember Me"

Nu har den officiella postern för Remember Me kommit ut!:D Jag älskar den! Den ser så gullig ut!!!
Jag ska lätt se den på premiären, no doubt about that! Ska ni se den?:)






Ny VF outtake på Rob!




"Rob måste stå med fötterna på jorden"

Hittade en artikel om Rob och Daniel Radcliff (aka Harry Potter). Tyckte att den var lite gullig medatnke på att dom har spelat tsm i Harry Potter och Den Flammande Bägaren :)

Daniel Radcliffe är imponerad över hur väl Robert Pattinson hittills har handskats med sitt kändisskap, och han hoppas att “New moon”-stjärnan kommer att kunna behålla båda fötterna på jorden trots all uppmärksamhet.

Som bekant lärde Daniel och Robert känna varandra under inspelningarna av ”Harry Potter”-filmerna, men skådespelarna har inte haft tid att ses sedan dess. Via pressen har dock de båda storstjärnorna lyckas skicka ett par hälsningar till varandra under det gångna åren.

— Jag har inga råd att ge honom. Han verkar klara sig bra. Jag har inte pratat med Robert sedan vi sågs på premiären för tre år sedan. Vi har typ bytt råd genom journalister, bisarrt nog, säger Daniel till Daily star.

Daniel påpekar dock vikten av att inte låta sig påverkas av alla de kvinnliga fansens beundran.

— Det är helt galet, folk skriker och blir helt galna. Speciellt för Robert - mängden kvinnor som vill hoppa på honom – man måste skaffa något slags perspektiv på det hela genom att tänka: ”De gillar delvis mig och de gillar delvis karaktären”.

— Så länge man inte tänker: ”Gud, jag måste vara helt fantastisk”, så kommer man att klara sig ganska bra.




Nya bilder på Rob från Vanity Fair!

Gud så underbara dom här bilderna är asså! Jag dör.. Dom är så grymt snygga på Rob! 20 nya bilder!:)
KOLLA! Det är defintivt dregel varning på dom här bilderna! Säg inte att jag inte varnade er;)

Mina favoriter, speciellt din sista och den första!♥ Vilka är dina?:)



The 40 Most Handsome Men In Hollywood Right Now - Robert Pattinson

Skrev nyss om Kristen men nu hittade jag även Rob:)

Robert kom tvåa i samma tävling som Kristen kom femma i. Men nu gällde det "The 40 Most Handsome Men In Hollywood Right Now " ;)
Pattinson slog Brad Pitt, Josh Duhamel, Jake Gyllenhaal, Zac Efron, Orlando Bloom och många många fler!

Congratulations Robert!♥




Edward's not a vampire ... HE'S A FAIRY X'D

Hittade det här på den här bloggen!

Jag som är mer på Jacobs sida tyckte så klart att det här var skitkul X'D Hahhaahhah!
// Andréa

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