Interjuv med Bryce Dallas Howard

Här kommer en interjuv med Bryce!

Is your Gwen Stacy character going to have a big role in "Spider-Man 4"?

I don’t know. It was really made clear to me when we did "Spider-Man 3" that it was entirely possible that a character could come back or a character could not. This could be just a specific plot to that film, because there are so many stories in the comic-book series, if you want to pack in as much as possible. It’s up to ["Spider-Man" director] Sam [Raimi] and the writers and the people who have done such an amazing job protecting that franchise and choosing the best storylines for the audiences. I’m a fan first. I had an incredible time working with them, but what I want more than anything is just for that franchise to continue to kick butt and to really appease the really, really, loyal fans, including myself.

Have you been approached to do "Spider-Man 4"?

No. I haven’t. There’s no disappointment because it’s exciting … what’s happening to that franchise. I’m just happy that there’s going to be two more ["Spider-Man" movies]. During the third ["Spider-Man" movie], there was a question. And after it came out, it was pretty clear that people were really supportive of the franchise. I’m really stoked that it’s continuing on.

McG says that he wants to direct more "Terminator" movies. If he does, would you be on board for that?

Oh, yeah! I haven’t signed anything that would obligate them to me or me to them or anything like that, because that film ["Terminator Salvation"] was made with a lot of humility. We’ll do this one, the fact that we can, and if people ask for more, then they ask for more. But it’s an incredible group. We are all fiercely committed to the story. It’s "Terminator," for Christ’s sake. If it comes about, and if I should be so lucky that they invite me back, I would be loathe to walk away from that.

Will you play Victoria in "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn"?

I don’t want to give anything away, but "Victoria has a life span," is what I’ll say. [She laughs.] That’s all I can say about that.

Can you talk about your experience in joining the "Twilight" franchise?

I was really struck by what an incredible group of young people are in that franchise. Their friendships are so genuine, and they really ground each other. And there is a lot going on around them. There’s a lot of attention and scrutiny, but I’m truly moved by how solid they’ve remained in their values and belief systems and their caring of one another throughout all of that. You hope for that in a franchise.

Part of the reason to come back together is to tell a story but also to come back together because everyone genuinely enjoys working with one another. And it was a really, really positive experience for that reason — other than set aside the fact that I’ve read the ["Twilight"] books and loved the books from the very beginning and these characters are extraordinary. It’s such an absorbing story that I just felt very lucky, given the unfortunate circumstances surrounding it, that I was just invited in. I hope that "Eclipse" continues this trend of being really reverent of what ["Twilight" book series author] Stephenie [Meyer] created with the books.

What advice would you have for an actor who is doing a role that was previously played by someone else? A lot of people thought you handled yourself well in the controversy over your "Eclipse" casting.

We’ll see. The jury is still out, because Rachelle [Lefevre] really created an incredible character and is exquisite. I fell like the uproar that occurred was really appropriate, because part of the joy of seeing a franchise, it’s almost like a television series. You’ve seen the actors grow with the franchise. And [Lefevre’s] unavailability [to do "Eclipse"] was really, really, really unfortunate. Advice? Gosh. Just to do your best and be über-respectful. She won that role for a reason. I hope to honor everything that she created.



Postat av: SweGizmo

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2010-08-19 @ 23:56:54

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