Rob pratar om Breaking Dawn´s inspelning

OBS! Det du kommer att få läsa nu är inte bestämt! Det Rob säger har ingen säker källa så vi vet inte om hans uttalande stämmer eller inte!

Såhär sa Rob på en presskonferans igår (den fetstila texten är det han säger, det andra är bara någon som har interjuvathan) :

Twilight Breaking Dawn slice.jpg

While I am not a “Twilight” expert, I do pay attention to the world of vampires as many of you out there care a great deal about them.  So at today’s press junket for “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”, one of the big things I tried to find out was what is the status of the movie version of the last “Twilight” book, “Breaking Dawn”.  When I asked Kristen Stewart if she knew what was up with “Breaking Dawn” and if the rumors about it being two movies were true, the moderator quickly said next question and wouldn’t let her answer.

But when I had the opportunity to ask Robert Pattinson  the last question at today’s press junket, I made the most of it.  I asked him if he has been told of a tentative time he might film “Breaking Dawn”? He replied:

“I think the tentative time for “Breaking Dawn” is fall next year.  They may well change that.”

What you need to realize is many things change. Perhaps “New Moon” doesn’t do as well at the box office as the first “Twilight” movie.  Or perhaps they can’t get the script right.  While things might change, Pattinson’’s statement of fall 2010 is the first time anyone in the cast has admitted there is a plan.  Much more on “Twilight: New Moon” later tonight.




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