Ashley Greene Interjuv!

Här kommer en interjuv med Ashley G. som Twilight-Review har gjort. Hon pratar t.ex om skådespelare, och att hon är Team Jacob.

ashley greene saks What was it like growing up in Jacksonville?

AG: Growing up in Jax… it was awesome. Jacksonville’s a great city and I was blessed with an amazing family.  My mom, my dad and Joe are everything to me. My friends from there, I still talk with mostly of them, they’re great too.  That’s why I always say that if someday I get married and have kids, I want to go back to Florida. When and how did you know that you wanted to be an actor?

AG: I always was part of the drama club in school, but I decided that I wanted to be an actress, like 100% sure, when I came to LA. I’m tiny, so I can’t be a model like… don’t know, Bar Refaeli, and acting is amazing, I love everything about being an actress. What was your very first acting job and how did it go?

AG: My first first job. Punk’d. It was so freaking awesome because the cast and crew were so funny and kind. Plus, I met Ashton Kutcher and that’s pretty cool. The various mediums of acting can have very different requirements and advantages, what medium do you prefer to work in film or TV and why?

AG: I like both. There’s good and bad stuff in both. For example, films are cool, you can see all the producer’s work and you can go to awesome places like BC for the Twilight Saga, for example, but you have to be apart of your family, friends and people you love for months. But that also means I have fun traveling around the world and I have great great great 3-months-vacays. Now, TV… is cool. Crew and cast are so awesome, is like work with your 2nd family because you know EVERYONE. But it takes more time to film and is like high school schedule and blah blah blah. So… I guess both are cool, but I’m more into movies than get a job in some TV series. What was your first impression of Twilight when you auditioned?

AG: I never thought is would be something as big, as huge at it is. Twilight is like WOW. I thought it was going to be great and everything, I thought it was going to be something like Scary Movie-famous, but I never thought it was going to be this big, like… don’t know… Harry Potter-famous. Transformers… don’t know. I don’t know if you get my idea, but is awesome being part of something like Twilight and the Saga. What’s your favorite book in the series?

AG: I’m between New Moon and Eclipse. But I love them all. Are you Team Edward or team Jacob?

AG: Ughhhh… harsh. I really really adore Rob and Edward’s awesome, but I’m Team Jacob. Is just… You gotta love Taylor, he plays an amazing Jacob, so… my heart belongs to him. Hahaha!

New_Moon___Alice_Cullen_by_SanakoNara Once you had the role of Alice Cullen, how did you prepare for the role?

AG: I read the book, read my script and talked to Stephenie. She helped me to create the current Alice. In New Moon Alice plays a larger than in Twilight and a new style. Are you happy with how Alice is evolving in the saga?

AG: Of course! That’s why I like NM and Eclipse more than Twilight and BD!  Hahahaha! Kidding. Is awesome, but that also means I have more lines to learn! But I love it, I love my job so, everything’s great. Are there any traits or similarities between yourself and Alice?

AG: We’re both tiny. Hahaha! Well, Alice’s one happy kid, and I’m a happy person too. I’m like smiling all the time and I really don’t like to see people sad so, I make them laugh and everything. I’m really into fashion, but Alice kick my butt x10 times. She’s a fashionista and I love it. I love her fashion sense and, I want her closet! Do you think you can relate to Alice? What do you admire most about Alice? Where are you most different?

AG: We really look alike. She’s a loyal girl and she loves her family and friends and I’m like that. I would do everything for them. Now… different… hmmm. She has a boyfriend, I don’t. Hahahaha! We know that a lot of acting on a TV or movie is waiting. Do you have one particular activity you like to do while waiting?

AG: Call my mom. Or any of my friends. Or talk to my friends thru AIM. Actually, I talk. To everyone. Oh! And annoy Rob. That’s my favorite thing to do. Were you prepared for the huge acclaim that the movies have received, and the devoted fan following that it has?

AG: As I said, I never thought this would be this big. So all I can say is that I’m really grateful of all the fans. It feels really good to know that people like your work and everything. It’s really… awesome! What’s been your favorite scene to film so far?

AG: High school graduation. I loved it. It made me remember my graduation. Are there types of roles that you’re hoping to do, that you haven’t had the chance to do yet?

AG: I would like to play something like Holly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I would LOVE IT. Absolutely love it. Also it was obvious that the cast seem to be very tight. Do you guys have fun behind the scenes or is it a fairly serious atmosphere? Do you have any behind the scenes stories you’d like to share?

AG: We’re all like brothers and sisters, so we’re having fun all the time. Funny stories? Well, there’s a lot. But one funny thing we’re always doing with Kellan, Jack and Xavier is annoy Rob singing Katy Perry or Miley’s songs. We suck as singers, so we freak him out terribly. Do you find yourself being easily recognized on the streets? How do you handle that if so?

AG: Talking to people is always nice. Fans are very respectful and everything. Now, dealing with the paparazzi… that’s another story. It’s kinda hard sometimes but we all know is part of the job. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time (if you have any!)?

AG: Hahahaha! We’re always going to Starbucks with Jackson or going shopping with the girls. And we’re going to have dinner with the cast on weekends, or go to concerts. We always find something fun to do together. Do you have a favorite charity?

AG: Yes. Donate my dress. You all can go to and find more info about it! Do you participate in any of the social networking sites (facebook, twitter, myspace)?

AG: Yeah. My twitter is .@ashleymgreene; my Myspace was (because I can’t remember the password so I’m not using Myspace currently) I don’t have any other spaces. You’ve mentioned that you originally wanted to become a model. What was it that drew you into the modeling world?

AG: Honestly? I don’t know. Modeling’s one interesting world. I love fashion, so probably that’s what made me go into the modeling world. What has been the most rewarding experience due to you being in the Twilight Saga?

AG: Probably get all the fan mail when people from all over the world tell me that they like my job, that I’m doing  good work with Alice… I’m really grateful of all the love and support of the Twilight fans. Do you ever visit fan sites to read about yourself or Twilight?

AG: Sometimes. I don’t have plenty of time to check out every page, but sometimes I read some cute notes and everything. All the pages are really respectful and I’m really thankful of that. Are there any other projects you are doing or going to be starting post-Twilight?

AG: Not really, honestly I’m looking forward to my vacations. Hahahaha! Have you heard any rumors about when/if production for Breaking Dawn will happen?

AG: I can’t say a word about Breaking Dawn. Sorry! What is the craziest thing a fan has done to get your attention?

AG: A boy from Vancouver sent me 111 white roses once. He’s 15. I loved it. He sent me this cute adorable little note telling me I was the best Alice in the world and everything and I loved it. After that he came with his mom to the hotel and we talked. He was a cutie pie. So adorable. He spend all his saved money to send me the roses. How cute’s that?




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