Kristen i The Flintstnoes in Viva Rock Vegas!

När jag var liten så kom mamma hem med The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas och jag vart hur glad som helst! ( Jag brydde mig egentligen inte om vilken film det var, jag var ju typ 6-7 år xD).

Och nu är jag kollade i genom hennes IMDB, så såg jag att det stod att hon var med i den filmen! Jag fick värsta chocken!:O Var det bara jag som inte visste det?

För er som inte vet vad det är för film jag snackar om så är det Flinta gänget (Fred,Wilma,Barney och Lucy-tror att hon hette Lucy iaf) som är på semester i Viva Rock Vegas ;)

Det kan vara lite svårt att se Kristen men hon dyker upp i rutan vid 0:04. Det är tjejen som har kortkort mellanbrunt hår och en typ röd "säck-klänning" med en svart prick på ryggen. Man ser inte hennes ansikte men det är hon som kastar en ring;)



Kristen pratar om Welcome to the Rileys

Efter varje interjuv med Kristen så vill jag bara springa fram och krama om henne!! Hon verkar så gullig (:

Jag bara måste se Welcome to the Rileys! Vill inte du?



Klipp från Skateland med Ashley!

Om vi tänker tillbaka några år så var ju Asley med i Skateland (Jag slår vad om att ingen kommer ihåg det, men det är nu när man t.ex har kollat upp Ashley´s andra filmer på IMBD ni kommer ihåg;) ) och varje år så hålls Sundance Film Festival och året Skateland kom ut visade dom även det här klippet från filmen :)



Tony DiNozzo är Team Edward!

Jag är ett NCIS nörd, och för alla er andra så bjussar jag på det här klippet som jag hittade på TTS ;)



New Moon - Bring the Pain

Grym video! Älskaaaaaar den!:) ♥



Xaiver Samuels on the Kyle and Jackie O Show

Det var länge sen man hörde ngt om Xaiver, inte sant?;) Här har ni iaf:)



Taylor Lautner pratar om sin karaktär i Valentine´s Day



Kristen pratar om The Yellow Handerchief

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog



Interjuv med Rob om Remember Me

Här kommer en kort fråga från en interjuv om manuset för Remember Me :)



Är Kristen Team Edward?

Haha Kristen! Kristen vart interjuvad när hon var på Sundance Film Festival.
Gillar inte reporten hon verkar som en sån dör typisk reporter som följer efter en vart man en går...



Ian Somerhalder tror att Daman Salvatore kan ta ner Edward Cullen

Ian Somerhalder från The Vampire Diarys tror att hans karaktär Daman Salvatore kan ta ner Edward Cullen i en fight;) Det tror inte jag:)



Dagens bild!


Hahah min kompis visade mig den här bilden och jag var bara tvungen att visa er den! Klockren asså! xD


Remember Me Still

Först så vill jag be om uräkt för verkligendålig uppdatering dom senaste dagarna, men idag slutade jag skolan för dom 2 kommande veckorna. Jag börjar nämligen att praoa nu på måndag och var tvungen att plugga till ett prov som jag skulle ha idag men det vart inget för min lärare var sjuk. Så förlåt igen...Det ska bli bättring;)

Här är en ny still från Remember Me (:



Twilight i Guinnes World Record 2010

Kolla vad min papa hittade i den nya Guinnes World Record 2010 boken! Ganska coolt;)
Skriver längre ner vad det står..

Det är inte direkt bästa bilden, tog med webben;)

Med globala biointäkter på 351 miljoner dollar är Twilight (USA 2008), i regi av Catherine Hardwicke (USA), den film som regisserats av en kvinna som har dragit in mest biointäkter. Filmen är baserad på en bästsäljande roman skriven av Stephenie Meyer, och berättar historien om förhållandet mellan en tonårig skolflicka och hennes pojkvän som är vampyr. En uppföljare, The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) är närvarande under inspelning.



Ännu mera EW outtakes!

Här kommer ännu mera nya outtakes från Entertainment Weekly på Robert, Kristen och Taylor!:)




Alice, populäraste namnet i Sverige just nu!

Under 2009 var Alice det mest populära namnet i Sverige. Det döpte 977 bebisar till under året. Däremot kom namnet Isabella på 37:e plats.

Skulle du vilja döpa ditt barn efter The twilight saga? :)

Kram /M

Kristen pratar om Renesmee: "She can´t just be this scary superhuman teeth baby!" har en interjuv med Kristen tsm med Dakota Fanning under Sundance Film Festival för att promota deras nya film The Runaways.

I den här interjuven pratar KStew om Breaking Dawn och om Renesmee.

Älskar Dakotas ansiktsuttryck i slutet xD

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog



Kristen: "It´s not a stripper movie"

Kristen ska ju vara med i The Runaways, men hon ska även vara med i Welcome to the Riley´s. Många kallar The Runaways för "the rock movie" och Welcome to the Riley´s för "the stripper movie".

I den här interjuven så får ni höra vad KStew has to say about it!

Jan 25 2010 4:55 PM EST

Kristen Stewart Says 'Welcome To The Rileys' Is 'Not A Stripper Movie'

'It opens your eyes to people who just don't have any options,' the actress says about her upcoming drama at the Sundance Film Festival.

By Larry Carroll, with reporting by Eric Ditzian


Kristen Stewart has lots of options. Over the weekend, she stretched herself out even further, continuing her refusal to let Hollywood box her in.

The "Twilight" series star is only 19 years old, yet already has nearly 20 films under her belt — from thrillers ("Panic Room") to family films ("Zathura") to heavy drama ("Into the Wild") and, of course, vampire films. Thanks to the role of Bella Swan, she's as popular and powerful as any A-list Hollywood star — and now, for the third straight year, KStew has hit the Sundance Film Festival with independent work she's eager to promote.

 During the fest we spoke with Kristen about "Welcome to the Rileys," a teen-stripper drama about a woman who has no options. And Stewart was eager to tell us that people who have their backs against the wall make for great stories — even for an actress who won't let anybody back her into a corner.

"It opens your eyes to people who just don't have any options," Stewart said of "Rileys," which tells the tale of a broken-down family man (James Gandolfini) who sees KStew's troubled character Mallory as a surrogate daughter in need of saving. "You know what I mean? I'm speaking very vaguely about it, because [Mallory's situation is] so awful. But yeah, [not having options] is the only way I can describe it."

Of course, Kristen unveiled a double-barreled attack at the festival, as she also premiered "The Runaways," a 180-degree turn that had her portraying rocker Joan Jett. To some fans, the flicks were quickly abbreviated as "the stripper movie" and "the rock movie," but Kristen told us there was much more going on.

"[The shocking thing is] maybe that it's not, like, shocking," Stewart answered when asked whether the movie will surprise her legions of devoted "Twilight" fans. "It's really not a stripper movie at all.

"You never see me stripping," she insisted, although reports are aplenty that Stewart spends much of the movie in various states of undress. "I think that it's a really good story. Most 'Twilight' fans are young girls, and this is a really, really good story for them."



Grattis Cameron!

Idag säger vi GRATTIS till Cameron som fyller 17 år:)


Robert hos Ellen DeGeneres

Robert var nyligen hos Ellen DeGeneres och idag sänded dom nya avsnitten med han:) Men självklart så missade jag det, så Sara på TTS letade upp dom på internet:)



Reelez Channel: Twilight Cast Reaches Out

Sundance Film Festival interjuv med Kristen Stewart och Dakota Fanning

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog



Dagens bild

Does anydody have whipped cream, 'cuz I would like whipped cream from his abs' anytime ;) ♥


Robert under press vid inspelningen av Remember Me


With Sundance still in full swing, MTV got a chance to catch up with actor Chris Cooper in Park City and ask him about what is sure to be one of the bigger movies of the year: "Remember Me." Though the film isn't at the film festival, Chris had a few things to share about working with Robert Pattinson.

"We put up barricades 90 feet from the scene, and the people and paparazzi just didn't care," Chris said about the people who would swarm to watch scenes with Rob being filmed. "Robert was really under the gun, under a lot of pressure, and I know he's kind of learning to deal with it. And it's a lot to deal with."

Chris attributed "instant messaging" (the older generation's all encompassing term for text messaging, Facebook, and Twitter) for the amounts of people who would flock to the "Remember Me" set when they shot outdoor scenes. He said having NYU's campus nearby meant a lot of young female fans came to the set for a chance to see RPattz.

"He was doing scenes with a crowd of people 30 feet away from him and the paparazzi would not stop clicking the camera and there was a couple of hot, heated periods with the director [Allen Coulter] with that kind of intrusion," Chris said. "I know at his age, no way I could have handled it."

Coming from an Academy Award-winning actor, that says a lot. But Chris came into his own in Hollywood at a much later age than Rob did, and we wouldn't quite classify him as a young heartthrob, so when he makes comments like, "I think this is all kind of new to Robert," we think he might be talking more about himself than the man who has worked publicity for two "Twilight" movies.



Ny outtake på Robert från EW

Här är en ny outtake på Rob från EW. Enjoy!:)




Taylor före och efter

Den här hittade jag i en grupp på facebook. Ganska gullig ;)


Nya stills från Remember Me

Vem längtar inte till denna underbara film? Bara för att jäkas lite så att ni längtar ännu mera så får ni se några nya stills från filmen ;)











New Moon meny

På Alla ♥ Dag så har en resturang i Indonesien gjort en liten "kampanj" och satt New Moon som tema!
Så om du är i Indonesien under Alla hjärtans dag och är hungrig, kika då in på "The Stone Cafe" och ta en Bloody Edward eller varför inte en Bella Chicken Grill with New Moon Prawn?



Bon Appetit!



Grattis Charlie

Idag säger vi grattis till Charlie Bewley som fyller 29 år!:)


Nya bilder på Boo Boo!

Här är några nya bilder på Boo Boo:)
Ungen är bara för söt asså!





Interjuv med Cherie Currie om The Runaways

Här kommer en interjuv med den riktiga Cherie Currie som var en medlem i The Runaways!

Cherie Currie på scen 1976

Cherie Currie was 15 when she started scandalising middle America. That was when she auditioned to become the lead singer of all-female teenage rock band the Runaways, a group that would send shockwaves through the suburbs with their attitude-fuelled performances and sexually explicit lyrics.

Their first single, "Cherry Bomb", talked unapologetically about "wild girls" and "street boys" and several radio stations refused to give it airtime. Currie would routinely appear on stage wearing stockings, suspenders and a tight-fitting basque so that even the reliably liberal Village Voice was moved to denounce the girls as "bimbos".

The year was 1976. Jimmy Carter was about to be elected president. It seemed America was not yet ready for five adolescent females who played their own instruments and sang openly about sex. But Currie didn't care. "We truly believed girls could play rock'n'roll," she says now from her home in Los Angeles. "We knew we were going into unknown territory. We had to fight on a daily basis, especially with a lot of male bands who didn't take us seriously." She gives a long, throaty laugh. "I look back 30 years and I still can't believe it."

Now, the story of the band is to be immortalised in a film, The Runaways, which premieres at this year's Sundance film festival and which is partially based on Currie's brutally honest memoir, Neon Angel. Kristen Stewart, the star of the popular Twilight franchise, is cast as the feisty guitarist Joan Jett while Currie is played by Dakota Fanning. "Seeing [her] playing me is so off-the-map it's incredible," says Currie, who was a frequent visitor to the set. "I can't even digest it. She's so together, which I was not at that age… She came to my house one afternoon and we sang back and forth so that she could get the inflections, and she nailed it."

Stewart learned to mimic Joan Jett's mannerisms with such devastating effect that Currie could barely tell the difference. "I got a phone call one day and there was this voice going 'Hey Cherie', and I thought it was Joan, I said: 'Oh my god, are you in town?'" In reality it was Stewart playing a practical joke.

The filming process has brought back vivid memories, both of the band's spectacular success and the subsequent fall-out. For a four-year period from 1975 the Runaways blazed a trail for hardcore female rock bands at a time when the most popular music in America was embodied by the soft melodies of Carole King and Fleetwood Mac.

The Runaways went on to tour internationally, performing to packed-out venues and revolutionising the male-dominated rock world with riotous nonchalance. But Currie walked out in 1977, and two years later the band buckled under the weight of infighting and jealousy. "We were all growing up, trying to deal with the transition into young womanhood," she says. "At the same time there was a whole lot of craziness going on."

The hard-partying lifestyle took an inevitable toll: Currie started popping Quaaludes and then graduated to cocaine. She was an addict before she was 18. "Our management, our booking agent – they were all feeding us drugs. The thing was, back in the 70s, if you didn't do drugs there was something wrong with you."

Where were her parents? "They had recently divorced," says Currie, who was raised in the small town of Encino in the San Fernando valley. "My mother remarried and moved to Indonesia. How could they say no? They had the record company ringing them up… they wanted us to have the dream. It all happened so fast."

The Runaways were managed by Kim Fowley, an eccentric Svengali figure who was introduced to the 16-year-old Joan Larkin (she later switched surnames to Jett) at an Alice Cooper aftershow party. Jett subsequently met Currie and her twin sister, Marie. The latter was approached first and asked if she wanted to be in a band. She declined. But Cherie said yes and her fate was sealed.

Was it a case of too much, too young? "That's a very hard question to answer because we were just thrown into this cyclone and did what we were told to do," Currie replies. "We literally just had to hold on to our seats and make it from point A to point B on a daily basis."

The film portrays Fowley as a malign influence who deliberately marketed them as "jailbait rock". He allegedly used to throw jars of peanut butter at the girls during rehearsals to prepare them for the rough audiences they would face. In the past Currie has called him "a beast [who] should not be allowed near young girls". "It was the abuse from Kim Fowley and our roadies that was so hard to take," says Currie now. "We got such abuse on a daily basis. They were trying to harden us to the reality of the rock'n'roll world but how could we possibly know this wasn't the way it was supposed to be?"

Later they discovered that their management had also been ripping them off. "We were not getting any money," recalls Currie, a note of incredulity creeping into her voice. "We were doing sold-out concerts and getting $20!"

Drained and exhausted from the constant travel and drug use, the increasingly flaky Currie suddenly walked out on the band. "There was so much conflict over the attention paid to me as the lead singer," she says. "Joan was very upset and hurt but I really thought these girls wanted me out. It was a lack of communication." Does she regret it? "Absolutely."

She went on to record two solo albums and had some minor success as an actress, starring alongside Jodie Foster in Foxes and even appearing in the classic spoof "rockumentary" This Is Spinal Tap. She married the actor Robert Hays in the 1990s and the couple, now divorced, have an 18-year-old son. Today, aged 50, she spends much of her time making "chainsaw art" wood carvings. Tellingly, Currie says what she loves about her unusual hobby is the fact that "I'm the boss – it's just me and the chainsaw. I'm in control. And it's really dangerous".

Still, there is no doubt that she misses the excitement of the Runaways' heyday. "We've always wanted to do a reunion," she admits. Looking back, would she do everything the same again? "Absolutely. I wouldn't change a thing except I wish we could have got back together. That's my only regret… Being in the Runaways, we were trailblazers, we changed a lot of people's perspectives on what they could or could not do as females."

Her son Jake, also a musician, turns 19 next month. He will then be four years older than his mother was when she started out in the band. Would Currie be happy to see him doing what she was at the same age? "I couldn't even conceive of allowing my son to do the things that I did," she says, her voice suddenly serious. Luckily Jake does not need to live out his mother's adolescent rock'n'roll rebellion: he can watch the film instead.



Fanmade trailer Breaking Dawn

Jag tycker att man ser att den är fanmade eftersom att de har tagit lite från twilight och new moon men också helt andra personer. Men missuppfatta mig inte nu! Jag tycker att den är väldigt bra gjord! :) Ni som inte har läste Breaking dawn, läs inte det då som är överstruket eller se videon!
Det finaste tycker jag är när Rosalie pussar en bebis! :) Vad tycker ni? Vet ni? Kristen Stewart tycker att de fanmade trailerna är bättre än själva de riktiga. Haha den intervjun ser ni i det klippet under Breaking Dawn videon :)

Kram M

En första titt på postern för The Runaways

Om ni undrar varför det är ett körsär som håller på att explodera så är det för att dom slog i genom med deras låt `Cherry Bomb´ - det är den låten som spelas i teaser trailer här nedan ;)

Älskar den låten!♥



Howard Shore ska skriva Score Soundtrack för Eclipse

Howard Shore is on board to compose the original score for the third film in the Twilight series, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. Temple Hill Entertainment today confirmed to MovieScore Magazine that the Lord of the Rings composer is going to write the music for the film, following in the footsteps of Carter Burwell (who scored the first film in 2008) and Alexandre Desplat (who wrote the music for the second, New Moon). Shore has begun work, spotting the movie, this week.

Howard Shore is, of course, best known for the Tolkien trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson, an epic work that is currently touring the world in concert form, performed live to projection. Shore also recently rescored the Mel Gibson action thriller Edge of Darkness for Warner Bros, replacing John Corigliano. This film is opening in the US next week.

Ser fram emot att höra slut resultatet :)



Sundance Film Festival



Robert Pattinson - Hope For Haiti

I Fredags så var ju Hait galan och självklart så missade jag den, igår när den gick på repris så missade jag oxå den. Typiskt mig asså, men för er som ville se Robert men missade galan oxå så kan ni se han här ;)

P.S Är det bara jag som tkr att hans skägg är väldigt buskigt?



UPDATE: Jag hade rätt, hittade dom här bilderna när han är påväg till Haiti galan;) Vem visste att hans skägg var så långt. Haha!


robertpattinsonhaititelethon2.jpg robertpattinsonhaititelethon3.jpg robertpattinsonhaititelethon4.jpg robertpattinsonhaititelethon5.jpg

New moon och extra material! :)

Här kommer ett inlägg från som skriver så här:

"Here are some details on the upcoming Scandinavian version of the  New Moon DVD: Bella’s Box (3 discs) with deleted scenes and extras.  It will be available March 20, 2010.

Disc 1: The feature film + commentary

Disc 2: Total selected added value (128 min):

- 6-part Documentary:(65 min) Life After Twilight, Chris Weitz Takes the Helm, The Subtle Details, Time to Shine, Tricks of the Trade, Ready for the World

- Music Videos: (12 min)Death Cab for Cutie -Meet Me On the Equinox, Anya Marina -Satellite Heart, Muse -B&W rehearsal footage of I Belong To You, Mute Math -Spotlight (from Twilight Soundtrack) Team Jacob and Team Edward

Becoming Jacob(6 min)
Introducing the Wolf Pack (9 min)
Shooting in Italy (7 min)

Extended Scenes: (29 min)
- School Corridor Extended (1:20)
- English Class Extended (1:26)
- Carlisle Stitches Bella Extended (2:54)
- Scrap Metal Extended (3:00)
- Start of Cinema Lobby Extended (1:27)
- Phoning Jake Extended (1:00)
- Meeting Laurent Extended (4:54)
- Jake in Bella’s Room Extended (5:00)
- Outside Emily’s Extended (1:28)
- Leaving for Italy Extended (:27)
- Edward Meets Volturi Extended (2:38)
- Home from Italy Extended (2:34)
- I See you’re Still Alive Extended (:41)

Ser ni att det står att det är skandinavien veriationen! :) Ihh Iam soo exided! Ska såklart köpa den om det blir som det står :)

Kramar /M

Ny bild från Remember Me

Gud vad jag längtar till den här filmen!!




Slade om Eclispe trailern

Hoppas att det inte dröjer länge till nu!:)



Nya stills från The Runaways



Anna hos Rachel Ray

När Anna var hos Rachel Ray så spelade hon ett litet spel där Rachel frågar frågor om vad hon helst skulle göra, och om hon skulle göra det med Robert Pattinson eller George Clooney?



Grattis Boo Boo!

Idag säger vi Grattis till Boo Boo Stewart som fyller 16 år!:D


Nya outtakes from EW!

Här kommer nya outtakes från Entertainment Weekly! :)







Hur mycket tjänar Remember Me på namnet Robert Pattinson?

Här är en artikel om hur Robert Pattinsons framtid kommer att se ut, hur mkt Remember Me kommer att tjäna på hans namn. Ganska intressant faktist ;)

Hollywood Is Watching: Can Robert Pattinson Open A Film?

In terms of Robert Pattinson, Hollywood has one thing on its mind right now and that’s money. Can he open a film on his own? Can the name Robert Pattinson deliver derrieres in seats when it counts, March 12-14, 2010?

Remember Me is Pattinson’s first film outside the Twilight franchise. While it has a small budget and is technically considered an indie film without the backing of a huge studio, the media, the general movie-going public and Hollywood itself, have all been busy spinning this film as a rather big litmus test for Pattinson’s future as an actor and Hollywood’s idea of a movie star.

In a little over 14 months, Pattinson has gone from ”that guy in Harry Potter” to one of the brightest, fastest, rising young stars we’ve had in recent memory. His ethereal face graces the covers of countless magazines and he is the topic of so much baseless gossip across the Internet that even Pattinson has most likely lost track of his own self-described ”boring” story. The spotlight has been resting squarely on his shoulders since before Twilight opened in November 2008 and today, it shows little evidence of letting up. But Hollywood wants what it wants and right now, what it wants is proof that Robert Pattinson is more than Edward Cullen and that he can put money in pockets. More money, that is.

While Pattinson became the face of the Twilight saga and arguably the breakout star of a franchise that has raked in well over a billion dollars, this is a vital time for his career. And a career does seem to be what he is quietly intent on seeking.

As a writer named Albrian on an Internet movie blog expressed it, ”There is a quiet steely determination to succeed. The self deprecating quotes are a smokescreen for an ambitious young man.”

The media constantly churns out stories asking if Robert Pattinson is the the new Depp, new James Dean, the new this, the new that. They desperately want him to be the new something, throwing out impossibly high standards and competitions that can never be won. Depp, Pitt, Clooney, and DiCaprio…all the major movie star names you can think of. Pattinson has been held up to the light and compared against them all, but to anyone with a little common sense, it’s kind of like pitting a GED against Ph.D. in terms of sheer experience and acting credits. Of course when has the media (or random people on the Internet) ever had common sense?

Pattinson is a great story; charming, sweet, British and handsome with a huge and very loyal fanbase that believes he’s talented. Just how talented? With the likes of Chris Cooper, Kristin Scott Thomas, Allen Coulter and Declan Donnellan among others signing on to work with him, it seems pretty certain that his fans have bet on a good horse.

Pattinson appeared on the Hollywood scene almost overnight. With his now recognizable name on everyone’s tongue and flowing out of everyone else’s pen, his sudden fame makes him a very easy target. And the media is determined to keep talking about ”the new guy.” One day he’s the golden boy and the next he’s being taken to task for the kind of fame he never even dreamed for himself. Depending on date and time, Pattinson is talented, he’s not, he smells, he doesn’t, he’s stuck up, he’s down to earth, he’s hilarious, he’s whines too much, he’s sweet, he’s mean, he’s in, he’s out, he’s up, he’s down.

The truth? He’s just human, and by all accounts, a pretty decent, gracious and very grateful guy who’s got to be overwhelmed by the wishy washy celebrity vortex he’s found himself in during the past year.

Then there’s Hollywood, and Hollywood is nothing if not impatient. Apparently time and experience is something Hollywood doesn’t believe in anymore. ”You’ve only been famous for a short while and you’ve only acted in a handful of teeny, tiny films few people have ever even seen? Too bad! You’re ”it” and you’re now expected to open a film and open it big or we’ll tear you down some more, Robert Pattinson! You must earn your fame young man!”

Sound like the dreams Hollywood is made of?

As the happy man in Pretty Woman says, ”Welcome to Hollywood! What’s your dream? Everybody comes here; this is Hollywood, land of dreams. Some dreams come true, some don’t; but keep on dreamin’ – this is Hollywood. Always time to dream, so keep on dreamin.”

Of course the media and the public (not to mention random people on the Internet) don’t exactly know what Robert Pattinson’s dream actually is. All evidence seems to point to Pattinson wanting good career as a working actor where he has the ability to make interesting, even risky choices — A career that he can be proud of and a career in which the media doesn’t compare him to anyone but Robert Pattinson. After all, he never asked for the comparisons in the first place. The guy just took a job.

Only time will tell if Robert Pattinson’s dream parallel’s Hollywood’s dream for him and vice versa.

Stars rise and fall. We live in a celebrity culture that feeds on building people up to tear them down. It’s the law of nature in Hollywood and all over the world, really. And like it or not, Remember Me is a test. Hollywood will be watching — watching to see what happens at the box office opening weekend, watching to see if Robert Pattinson can pull in a wider audience sprinkled with all ages and sexes, watching to see if an audience will accept him in a role that doesn’t require white makeup and an annoying love interest named Bella.

That’s about the only thing Pattinson can be sure of right now; Hollywood will be watching. Needless to say, with the guy who flatly refused media training and seems to be very much his own man floating around in a big, fat, sea of sameness, Hollywood should be getting a damn good show.

And heck, should the big test falter this time out for Rob, remember…Hollywood loves comeback stories. Comeback stories are what it’s built on.



Twilight art cover




Eclipse titel sneak peak - eller bara fan made?

Är det här en riktig sneak peak eller bara någon som har lekt lite? Så vad tror ni, riktig eller fan made?



Dagens schmexiga bild!

Blir på sexiga Robert!;) Älskar bilden!♥

Klicka på bilden för större!:D Lägg märke till dom gröna ögonen;)


The Runaways klipp och nya stills!

Här är ett nytt grymt klipp från The Runaways och en massa nya gryma stills!:D

 Gud vad jag längtar tills den kommer ut på bio!!!!



Grattis Daniel!

Grattis säger vi till Daniel Cudmore (Felix) som fyller 29 år idag! :D


Betydelse för namnen

Här kommer en lista på vad karaktärerna i bokens namn betyder;) Listan gjordes av TwilightersAnonymous för över ett år sedab, men letade lite i arkiven så tänkte att det kunde vara en rolig -men onödig- sak att veta;)



Reborn And Loved

Combination of the names Renee and Esme.
Created for the Twilight book series by Stephenie Meyer


English, Polish

Wealthy Guardian or Rich Guard

Saint Edward the Confessor was a king of England and known as a just ruler. Edward is one of the few Old English names to be used throughout Europe (in various spellings).



God is My Oath/Beautiful

Isabella of France married Edward II.


English, Scandinavian, Biblical, Dutch

Supplanter or May God Protect


Persian, English, Judeo-Christian


This name was traditionally assigned to one of the wise men (also known as the Magi, or three kings) who were said to have visited the newborn Jesus.





English, French, Portuguese, Italian

Of A Noble Kin



Entire, Whole, Universal


Welsh, English

City Belonging to Lugovalor or “Strong as Lugh”

Lugh was a Celtic god of the sun and craftsmanship. Also known as “the shining one.”



Esteemed or Loved



Free Man or Army or Warrior


English, Jewish, Biblical



English, Biblical

Appointed or Pillar or Dazzle



Name of God or God Has Heard


Samuel was the last of the ruling judges in the Old Testament.




God Beholds


This name was first used in this form by Shakespeare in his play ‘The Merchant of Venice’(1596), where it belongs to the daughter of Shylock.


English, Italian, German, Dutch, Romanian

Messenger of God



Who is Like God


English, Dutch

Son of the Right Hand



Bryce Dallas Howard i Spider-Man

Är det bara jag som inte visste att Bryce har spelat i Spider-Man? Man har visst missat en del...



New Moon DVD Special Features

Amazon UK har listat några saker - eller alla - som kommer att vara med på New Moon DVD:n :)

Special Features:

Special features include Director Chris Weitz's commentary and over 3 hours of exclusive extras:

• The Journey Continues: A 6-part making-of documentary:
- Life after Twilight
- Chris Weitz takes the helm
- The subtle details
- A look at production
- It’s not magic
- Ready for the World

• Music Videos:
- Death Cab for Cutie: Meet me on the Equinox
- Anya Marina: Satellite Heart
- Muse: I Belong to You behind the scenes rehearsal footage
- Mutemath: Spotlight

• Fan Event Q&A with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Chris Weitz – Content Exclusive for the UK
• Fandimonium: A look at the die-hard fans
• Team Jacob vs Team Edward: The ultimate love triangle
• Deleted scenes
• Edward goes to Italy
• Edward Fast Forward
• Jacob Fast Forward
• Interview with the Volturi
• Introducing the Wolfpack
• Becoming Jacob
• Edward goes to Italy
• Jacob fast forward
• Edward fast forward
• The Beat Goes On: The music of The Twilight Saga: New Moon
• Frame by Frame: Storyboards to screen



Golden Globe´s och efterfest bilder

Här kommer bilder från Golden Globe och bilder från efterfesten ;)

Ashley goes whoa!

Christian, Peter och Edi

Är det bara jag som har missat att Bryce har färgat håret?
Men hon passar grymt bra i det!:)




Kellan goes hot hot in suit suit ;)

Kristen Stewart vet inte hur Bellas bröllops klänning ska se ut

Här kommer ett klipp där Kristen Stewart blir intervjuad och får frågan om hon vet hur Bellas bröllopsklänning ska se ut. Tyvärr visste hon inte det. Men de bra nyheterna är att Kristen, Robert och Taylor har iaf skrivit på kontraktet att vara med i Breaking dawn! :D

Anna Kendrick snackar Eclipse & Breaking Dawn


And, naturally, she had a lot to talk about. Like “Breaking Dawn,” the final novel in the “Twilight” series. Depending on whom you speak with, Stephenie Meyer’s last Bella and Edward book will either be split into two films or remain intact.

“If it is [split], great. If it’s not, great,” Kendrick insisted, saying it’s not that she doesn’t care, but that she has no control over the situation. “I understand why they would want to do that, but it’s not my call.

“I find out when the fans find out. That’s true,” she laughed when asked when she expects to be briefed on how “Breaking Dawn” will be shot. “You will find out before I find out, actually. Text me.”

Or how about the next movie in the franchise, which is due in theaters this summer? ”I haven’t seen any footage from ‘Eclipse’ yet,” Kendrick said of the June 30 sequel, directed by David Slade. ”I haven’t done any [post-production audio] or anything for that yet.”

One thing she can talk about, however, is the role that could take her career to the next level: playing opposite Seth Rogen and James McAvoy in ”I’m With Cancer,” a drama about a 25-year-old comedian diagnosed with the disease.

”Yeah, I’m really excited about that. I play James McAvoy’s therapist,” she said of her character, who helps McAvoy’s funnyman — well, kinda. ”I’m not very good at it, and I’m probably the most reluctant psychiatrist ever. But I’m really excited about working with that cast, and the script is really good.”



BooBoo Stewart interjuv

Här är en urgullgi interjuv med våran lilla BooBoo:) Det är Hollywire som interjuvar så att ni vet. Men tkr inte ni att tjejen som interjuvar liknar Ashley?

Hör ni att han säger att han ska vara med i CSI: Miami? Det sänds i USA idag, men kan tänka mig att det avsnittet kommer till Sverige om ca 1 månad:P Avsnittet heter iaf Die By the Sword



Golden Globe 2010

Inatt så hölls Golden Globe 2010, och Taylor presenterad och Anna var nominerad till Up In The Air. Check it out!

Taylor presenterar "500 Days of Summer" :

Taylor interjuv:

Anna interjuv:



Twilight Modern Warfare 2 trailer

Hahah älskar den här videon! Så sjukt rolig xD

PS3 Games - E3 2010 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2



Japanskt New Moon DVD Box Set

Här är det Japanska Box Set´et för New Moon;)



Release datum för New Moon på DVD!!


Just nu så sjunger Änglarna i mina öron! Det officiella datumet för New Moon på DVD är släppt!
Den 20 Mars släpps dom, så då är jag i någon butik och köper 2 exemplar av New Moon! En hos mamma och en hos pappa, haha!

Utgivarna av den här underbara informationen var Summit Entertainments Twitter!



Edward & Bella - The Exalted One

Gud vad jag älskar den här videon! Den är gjord av RobStenxChair och har länge varit en utav mina favorit `video-skapare´ eller vad man ska säga;)

[Klicka här för att se mera av hennes arbete]


Nya bilder från Remember Me

Gud vad jag längtar till 12 Mars! Jag ska se den! Ngn annan som ska se den?:)






Ny otrolig fan made trailer för Eclipse!

Tiffany666 är grym på att göra trailers, och nu har hon gjort det igen! Man tror ju nästan att det är den riktiga trailern!:)



Jackson interjuvar Hilary Duff

Här är en gammal video när Jackson interjuvar Hilary Duff!
Kan tänka mig att den här interjuven ägde rum för några år sedan, innan han hamnade i Twilight-världen ;) Han är ju sååååå ung xD



Nya outtakes på Robert!

För ett tag sen så var Rob med i tidningen Wonderland Magazine och gjorde en photoshoot, och här kommer några nya outtakes:)

Jag gillar verkliegn inte Rob´s hår, så det förstör väldigt mkt tråkigt nog "/










Killar om Twilight

Killars åsikter om Twilight är ju bara för sköna xD

See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.



Ny bild på Robert som Edward

Nu har det kommit ut en bild på Robert när han blir sminkad som Edward, troligen från New Moon när han går till Volturi ;)




Dagens bild

Kramar M

Gratulationer i efterskott!

Vill åtminstonde gratta Bronson Pelletier som fyllde 23 år på självaste nyårsafton;) Och Alex Meraz som fyllde 26 år i går;) Sorry för att de tog sådana tid. Vet inte vad jag har hållt på med xD

Men slänger iaf upp två bilder på snyggingarna;)



Exklusiv video och bilder från "The Yellow Handercheif"

MTV´s Hollywood Crush har några nya stills och ett klipp från Kristens nya film The Yellow Handercheif som har premiär den 26:e Februari.



Breaking Dawn updates!

January 12, 2010

Just a quick note on the subject of the Breaking Dawn film: there is no drama over whether the book should be one movie or two. My personal feeling is that it would be very difficult to cram the whole story into one movie (as I’ve said in many interviews previous to this), but if a great way of doing that surfaces, I’m all for it. Two or one, whichever way fits the story best is fine by me, and everyone I’ve spoken with at Summit seems to feel the same way. We’re all excited to move forward on this, and we are slowly and surely getting there. I know people are anxious for news, and so sometimes gossip get fabricated to stir things up, but there’s no basis to this particular story.




Breaking Dawn kan börja filma till hösten!

OMG! Breaking Dawn kan börja filma till hösten, Robert, Kristen och Jacob har redan skrivit på kontraket, manuset håller på att skrivas. Men dom har lite problem om hur dom ska göra med Renesmee och om dom ska göra en film så kan Jacobs historia bli väldigt lång..

“Wyck Godfrey, the producer of all the films in the “Twilight” saga, admits that the creative team still doesn’t know how they’ll handle the character [Renesmee] in the “Breaking Dawn” movie, but said that the plan is absolutely for the production to go forward — as either one or two installments — with an eye toward beginning to shoot in Vancouver this fall. All three stars are signed for “Breaking Dawn,” he said, meaning that Stewart and Pattinson will be dealing with the joys and woes of interspecies parenting and newly minted heartthrob Taylor Lautner will return as often-shirtless shape-shifter Jacob Black.
At the moment, screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg, who’s penned all the “Twilight” movies, is working on the “Breaking Dawn” script(s). “It’s a work in process,” Godfrey said in an interview Friday. “The issue [of whether there will be one or two movies] is not going to be resolved until we get the full treatment and see whether it’s organic. If it’s not organic, I don’t think it will be done, and if it is, it will be. It really has to do with how much level of detail from the books there is, with all of these new vampires that appear in ‘Breaking Dawn,’ the whole section about Jacob… It’s a very long single movie if it does become a single movie.”



New Moon Parodi - Queen Latifah

På People´s Choice Awards så var Queen Latifah värdinna, men hon letade efter någon som kunde presentera alla vinnare, så hon frågade Edward ;)

Källa: En kompis tipsade mig;)


Robert och Rachelle spelar ett spel

Haha, sjukt roligt spel mellan Rob och Rachelle xD



Bryce Dallas Howard pratar Eclipse

Ny eller gammal video med Bryce vet jag inte, men jag satsar på ny ;) Den är alltså gjord av



New Moon DVD/Blu-ray Cover Art har lagt upp lite nya bilder på hur omslaget till New Moon Special Edition kanske kommer att se ut:)



ClevverTv interjuv med Kristen Prout

ClevverTv har gjort en ny interjuv med Kristen Prout (a.k.a Lucy) :)

Del 1:

Del 2:

Dagens bild

Isn't she gorgeous!?

Kramar M

Anna hos Ellen DeGeneres

Anna var ju hos Ellen DeGeneres och medverkade i hennes show. Och nu -äntligen- så har den kommit ut på nätet:) Check it out!;)

P.S Det här är hela interjuven!;)
A: "And George gave me such a hard time about shooting Twilight , and whenever I came back it was like `Oh, you know, sorry, sorry this isn´t Twilight-set, you know, working with Mr.Handsome" .



Ashley hos Jimmy Fallon



New Moon på DVD är min favorit sida när jag ska köpa saker via Internet och nu när jag var inne där för att kolla om dom har fått in några nya New Moon saker såg jag att dom hade lagt ut det preliminära datumet för New Moon! Man kan oxå boka om man vill ;) Det gäller både Blu-ray och DVD ;)

Det preliminära datumet för New Moon på DVD och Blu-ray är någongång under April 2010!

New Moon HQ

Nu har det kommit ut en ny HQ bild på Jacob,Bella och Edward - och jag älskaaaaaaaaaaaaar den!

Klicka på bilden fär att göra den större ;)



Expressen: Vampyrerna och Moralen

Emelie på TTS hittade det här i Expresen tidigare idag, konstigt att Twilight nämns så mkt, det är ju världens bästa film xD

Vampyrerna och moralen

Gunilla Brodrej ser blodsugarna invadera medierna.

En blek vampyr är sedan en tid den härligaste och ofarligaste kärleksdröm ett litet förpubertalt tween kan ha. Den tvåsamhet som åsyftas i Twilightserien liknar Narniabarnens vänskap med Aslan – drömmen om att tämja det vilda, att gå sida vid sida med lejonen. En rent biblisk metafor. För Twilight är en moralkaka.
Ingen får ligga. Det räcker med att rida på Edwards rygg, ända upp till tallens topp. Det gäller att kontrollera sina drifter och förmedla en asexuell utopi där moralen vinner över instinkten. När Bella väl vunnit sin odödlige prins får hon också halva kungariket. Hans familj sluter upp mot omvärlden, det vill säga mot de vampyrer som jagar och härstammar från vargar.
I HBO-serien True blood (säsong två visas i SVT i vår på tid när tweenisar har somnat) finns också goda och onda blodsugare, men där är sexet explicit. Handlingen är förlagd till den heta amerikanska södern där vampyrerna är en minoritet med egna politiska lobbyister. Somliga oskadliggjorda med syntetisk bloddryck, andra livnär sig fortfarande på människoblod. Alla knullar mycket och bra, ibland till fröjd och gamman för människorna, som dessutom kan drogtrippa på vampyrblod.
Med början nästa fredag hakar även radioteatern på med fullvuxen vampyrdramatik. Carina Rydberg har dramatiserat Bram Stokers Dracula (1897) med den diaboliska Johan Rabaeus i titelrollen och Ludvig Josephson har gjort om Joseph Sheridan Le Fanus gothberättelse om den kvinnliga vampyren Carmilla (1872) som bara gav sig på kvinnliga offer.
Om två veckor briserar vampyrtrenden i filmen Daybreakers i en framtid där pesten har förvandlat nästan alla till vampyrer och de kvarvarande människorna kämpar för sitt liv.

Kanske handlar hela hajpen om rädslan för att Dionysos har dödat Gud. Och kanske är det därför som Twilightserien serverar moralkakor till den uppväxande generationen. Alltmedan vargstammen skjuts av.

Fotnot.  Radioteaterns vampyrsatsning inleds med introduktionsprogrammet En kula i silver och en påle i hjärtat av Nathaly Salas i morgon kl 19.03 i P1.



Nya photoshoot med Ashley

Ashley har gjort ännu en ny photoshoot och denna gång för SoBe´s kampanj som är inspirerades av "Zero Calories, Zero Inhibitions" :)



Kommentarer från Eclipse

En grupp människor har blivit inbjudna av Summit och producenterna för att kolla på Eclipse och deras kommentarer det här är vad 2 av dom sa senare.

Jag är så sjuk avundsjuk och längtar grovt mkt till den kommer ut på DVD (i värsta fall, om det blir 15-års gräns, fyller 15 i december-.-) !.


I just saw a test screening of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse at Recliffe. It WAS AWESOME!

Victoria played by Bryce Dellas Howard was AWESOME! You Really Couldnt Tell that they changed actresses. She Looks EXACLY the same as Rachelle did in New Moon and she sounds exacly like Rachelle did in Twilight. Her Acting was Amazing!

There were a whole lot of uncompleted scenes though. The fight scene for example, you could still see all wires lifting everyone up also there were alot of parts with the wolfs that wernt finished.

The Acting was 10x better then it was in New Moon aswell. KRISTEN HARDLY BLINKED!!!

Although the only complaint from me was KRISTENS WIG IS TO FnCKING DESTARACTING!!!! IT LOOKS FO FAKE!

Before it started some guy from Summit said that they are going to release the teaser trailer On Janurary 18th at the Golden Globes.[<-- *Squeee! Fingers, toes, eyes and appendages crossed!!!!*]


I was one of the few who is lucky enough to be invited for an early screening of the movie,let me tell you first of all,I am a man and I read the books and watched the movies(even though I didn't enjoy the movies too much).I met the crew and the producers ,they were all very friendly.We shake hands and chat for a while.Then the producers left and let the movie start.After I finished watching the movie, I gotta say I was pleasantly surprised.While I didn't enjoy the first 2 movies.This movie is actually pretty decent.Of course this movie is no Oscar material,but it is MUCH better than the first 2 films.

The acting improved significantly,especially Jacob.I could actually feel his character and his struggle for Bella.I feel most sorry for Jacob through out the film.I won't spoil it for you,but the things he is doing to protect Bella and trying to get her approval later is a lot.You will see why when you watch the film.Without telling you too much since we are not allow to.I have to say the love triangle between Jacob,Edward and Bella is very well done.Lots of character development between those scenes.The side character's also felt more important and contribute nicely to the main storyline.

The battle scene was AMAZING!Even though some of the cgi was not finished,I could already say the battle between the vampires and werewolves was beyond EPIC.There are more fighting scenes in this movie than the first 2 movies COMBINED.Compare to other action movies,the fighting is still pretty short,but was done very nicely and i could feel the intensity of the battle.If you are dragging your boyfriends to see it,I guaranteed they will like the movie more than the previous two.The movie still focus more on the love triangle than the battle scenes nevertheless.

On the technical side of things,the movie is faster paced and doesn't feel dragged on like the first 2.For the ladies,there are more kissing scenes between Edward and Bella when they are making out,Jacob and bella kissing etc.But still no sex scenes yet.Then you get the usually Jacob half naked walking around,Edward shirtless...I won't spoil it.

The only downside is...well I really don't think there is a downside!The movie give you nothing too much and nothing too little.But there is a hint for the fourth movie though and you crave for more...(I am a man btw,and i felt embarrassed to say it haha.)

As I walked out the theater,I feel satisfied with the movie.Me and others thank the crew and producers for the screening.I thought the whole cast and crew did a really great job trying to keep the storyline as same as in the book.They did little tweaks here and there,but nothing major.That's all I can tell you.I suggest you to see this movie once it's out,you will be amazed.




Skönheten och Odjuret - Parodi

Haha lyssna och se så fattar ni nog;)



Fantrailer för Speak

Kristen spelade in den här filmen 2004 och den verkar så hemsk! Men jag vill ändå se den för den verkar oxå bra.



Ashley Greene + Barbie

Ashley Greene (aka Alice Cullen) ska ut och träna förmodligen och har på sig en Barbietröja där det står: " Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" och det betyder " Hata mig inte för att jag är vacker"

Hon är för söt! :D


Jackson Rathbone som liten! Så söt! :)

Måste jag skriva något? ;D Joo juste... Hans storasyrra är det som också är med på bilden men det kanske ni redan har förstott :D


Photoshoot med Kristen Prout

Kristen Prout (aka Lucy) är enligt mig supersöt och ännu sockersötare i denna fototagning!

Vad tycker ni?


Robert Pattinson pratar om Edward Cullen

Här kommer en intervju med Robert Pattinson där han pratar om sin karaktär Edward Cullen i New moon.

Kramar M

Nya foton på Nikki Reed i Venice Magazine

Här kommer några nya foton på Nikki från Venice Magazine. Jag tkr att dom vart skit snygga!:)





Rachelle med i ny TV-serie

Rachelle Lefvre ska vara med i en ny Tv-serie som heter The Deep End som har premiär i USA den 21 Januari. Dock är det oklart om den ska sändas i Sverige eller inte. Men så klart berättar vi det när vi får veta;)

Den här trailern är en promo trailer så att ni vet;) Rachelle är med i dom sista sekundrarna precis innan loggan kommer.



Micheal Welchs nya film "Unrequited"

Micheal Welch (Mike i Twilight) har gjort en ny film som heter Unrequited. Den verkar lite sjuk, men den verkar oxå bra! Jag ska definitvit se den. Micheal spelar sjukt bra!;)



Kristen i Klättertjuven nu!

Just nu på kanal 3 så är Kristen med i en annan film, nämligen Klätterjuven. Hon är ganska ung då;)
Men den har precis börjat så skynda skynda!:D




Nya designen

Tänkte lägga upp den nya desigenen nu, sorry för att det har tagit så lång tid. Men har inte haft tiden eller orken men gör det nu;)


UPDATE: Designen är nästan klar, min data är så seg att jag inte kan göra ngt mera. Nu iaf, men jag kanske gör klart den inatt.

Taylor och Kellan har fått titeln " Hottest of Them All "

Taylor Launter och Kellan Lutz vart framtröstad som 1:a och 2:a i en poll om vem som var den snyggaste killen i US Weekly Magazine.
Taylor fick 51% av rösterna (så man kan säga att han vann ganska stort) men überläckra Kellan Lutz kom 2:a med 19% av rösterna, starkt jobbat han oxå!;) Så GRATTIS:)

taylor lautner martial arts taylor lautner karate

Enough with end of the year polls - Who's the "Hottest of Them All?"

See an 11-year-old martial arts Taylor Lautner here!

Twilight hunks Taylor Launter and Kellan Lutz ranked #1 and #2 respectively in Us Weekly magazine's online poll, asking readers to "pick a pack of pecs" which they thought were hottest.

The two Twilight boys were ranked up against equally delicious actors like Matthew McConaughey, David Beckham and Eddie Cibrian.

Lautner took over half of the votes (51%) and Lutz fell in second with 19% of Us readers' hearts.

"I got into martial arts, and I love to swim," the 24-year-old Kellan Lutz told the mag of his fitness secret. But that's not all, Kellan Lutz has a great workout buddy that keeps him in line and it's not AnnaLynne McCord! Click here to find out who!

As for 17-year-old Lautner, he's into the kickin' sport too. Click here to see other celebrities like hot Taylor Lautner who are fit and fabulous via martial arts...



Scene It? Twilight

Scene it? är som tv-spelet BUZZ, fast till XBOX 360. Fast nu har Nintendo DS börjat sälja Scene It? fast dom här frågorna bygger på Twilight ist för alla andra tråkiga allämna frågor;) Scene It? Twilight släpps i Februari men vet dock inte om det är i Sverige, tror tyvärr inte det...

The ESRB has provided a rating summary for Scene It? Twilight on the Nintendo DS. The video game got a T (Teen) rating for drug reference, mild blood, mild suggestive themes and mild violence. You can view the full rating summary below:

This is a trivia game in which players earn points by answering trivia questions based on the movie Twilight. Questions cover video clips and still images from the movie. A couple of clips depict vampires throwing, choking, or kicking one another—and humans; other scenes depict a bloody vampire bite on a person's wrist and a small pool of blood on the floor. The dialogue contains references to suggestive material (e.g., "I can read every mind in this room . . . Money, sex, money, sex—cat"), and a prom dress is said to make a girl's "boobs look bigger." In one scene, an embattled vampire refers to a character's scent as a drug: "You're like my own personal brand of heroin."

Scene It? Twilight is already released on the Nintendo Wii. The Nintendo DS version is slated for a February release.



The Hillywood Show - New Moon Parody

The Hillywood Show har gjort ännu en parodi av Twilight sagan, och den här är sjukt mkt roligare än Twilight! Längtar till dom gör Eclipse!;) Men det är lugnt roligaste med Volturi och i slutet:)



Eclipse Teaser Trailer

Kolla vilken grymt bra teaser trailer jag hittade för Eclipse! Älskar den!!



Release datum för Eclipse runt om i världen

IMDB har nu släppt release datumen för Eclipse för några länder (dock inte Sverige, men jag satsar på att det är samma som förut, 30 Juni) och här är dom:

Argentina 30 June 2010  
Brazil 30 June 2010  
Egypt 30 June 2010  
Kazakhstan 30 June 2010  
USA 30 June 2010  
Netherlands 1 July 2010  
New Zealand 1 July 2010  
Finland 2 July 2010  
Norway 2 July 2010  
Turkey 2 July 2010  
UK 9 July 2010  
Germany 15 July 2010  



Alex Meraz Önskelista

Kan ni tänka er att Alex önskar sig det här i julklapp?! Snyggingen behöver inte 8-pack som den andra snyggingen;)





Som jag skrev igår så gick HP och den flammande bägaren (med Robert som Cedric) men jag kunde inte kolla eftersom jag var och såg New Moon med mamma och min lillebror (som såg den för första gången igår, 5:e för mig, ska även se den imorgon med en kompis xD ). Men den gick idag 10.25 oxå, fast dubbad på svenska och jag kan garantera att det var ganska irriterande.. Men i slutet upptäckte jag en grej, att dalen i HP ser nästan exakt ut som i Twilight!

Kolla själva:

Den första är från Harry Potter, spola fram till 5:58:

Den här är från Twilight, spola fram till 1:46:

Den här är oxå från Twilight men en annan scen (det är när Edward och Bella sitter i trädet), spola fram till 0:32 :

Jämför nu alla stillbilder på videon, visst ser det ut som samma ställe?:O


Harry Potter och den Flammande Bägaren

Klockan 18.30 på Kanal 5 så kommer Harry Potter och den flammande bägaren sändas! Som dom flesta vet så spelar Robert Pattinson Cedric, en utav dom som oxå är deltagare i Den Magiska Trekampen.

Så alltså:


OBS! Man kan oxå kolla imorgon, 10.25 på samma kanal men då är det svenskt tal.
Jag kommer att få kolla imorgon för att nu ska jag se New Moon på bio med mamma och lillebror:) Första gången för dom femte för mig;) Fast tredje på bio xD



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